1. I'm behind and need to get caught up.
2. The pictures I want to use for both themes are from the same event.
Sometimes I...
...get a little freaked out when people that I knew as small children are now at the age when they get married. How did that happen?
When did they go from little girls to beautiful young women?
One day they are patiently plodding through Silas Marner in my class.
Then they are falling in love and finding young men to marry.
How do they grow up before my eyes when I haven't aged a day?
Joy and encouragement, on the face of the young bride.
Trepidation on the groom's face as he attempts dancing in front of a crowd.
Boredom on the face of the young man in the background. It's a wedding.
Clever to combine themes. The bored boy looks as if he could fit into an earlier post....about being bored.