Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For Danny

Ok, Danny, here you go. After much searching, I finally found a picture that I was in! I remembered handing the camera to someone and asking them to take a picture of my friend Sandy and me. This is from a few months ago. I'm the one on the left. Ta da!


  1. Nice photo, Randi
    Reminiscent of your beautiful mother.

    Love, Auntie M.

  2. Thank you, my dear Auntie M. I've always wished I looked like my mother.

  3. You've gotten your wish Randi.
    Unca Danny

  4. Thank you.

    The greatest compliment I can ever receive is for someone to say I have ANY attribute of my mother. She was a perfect mother in my book. She died well, with every one of her four children worshiping her.

    My mom sure came from a handsome family. Beautiful sisters all around, and her brothers? Whoa,baby! I'll never forget that moment as an adult when I looked at your dad's wedding picture and said, "Dang, he was hot!"

    I do bemoan the fact that I have more gray hairs at 49 than my mother had at 75. Where's the justice? :)


You won't be paid for it, but at least you'll know that you have contributed intelligence to the universe...

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