Grandson Avatar asked his mom, “Why do Grandma and Grandpa
make me be quiet whenever Jeopardy! is on?”
She gave him some lame answer about us being old or
something. I predict there will soon come a day when young Avatar will also
shush people when he watches Jeopardy!
A few years ago, when he was even younger than his current
nine years of age, he had some friends and cousins over to play. Avatar thought
the other kids would be equally as thrilled as he was to watch a documentary on
the prophecies of Nostradamus. When his mom, my daughter Em, noticed the increasing
discomfort of her young guests, she suggested that Avatar choose something
else, like a cartoon. One child looked at Em in gratitude and uttered a dramatic,
“Thank you!”
Last Friday Avatar requested a sleep-over at our house. He
arrived during Double Jeopardy, knowing from past experience that silence was
the order unless he wanted to venture a response. He tried to answer a
few. When it was over, Grandpa Computer
Geek told Avatar he could watch whatever he wanted on Netflix.
Did he choose The Avengers? Or Transformers? Something
that other nine-year-olds might find of interest?
He asked if he could watch Discovery Atlas: Uncovering Earth.
Apparently there was a segment on Africa’s Great Rift
Valley that he didn’t want to miss.
Gosh, I love that kid.
When his show was over, he wanted to chat with me.
“Grandma, do you know who the first people in America were?”
Knowing how smart this kid is, I thought he was hoping that
I would say something like “Columbus” or “The Pilgrims,” to which he would respond
with the name of an indigenous people. I simply said, “No. Who?”
“It was Adam and Eve. That’s because the Garden of Eden was actually
in Minnesota.”
I have a few relatives who are Minnesotans and I think they
would be thrilled to know that.
Then, “Grandma? Do you know why the ocean is so salty? It’s
because when Noah had the ark and all those people drowned, the salt from all
those bodies stayed in the ocean. If you lick your arm you will see that we’re
made of salt.”
That boy. He’s a thinker.
So yeah, I have no doubt that soon he will be sitting
with Grandma and Grandpa, Monday through Friday at 5:30 and 6:30, shushing
other people and refusing to answer the phone. He’s kind of a nerd like that.
Weston, Avatar, and Chunk, engrossed in Wii Lego Lord of the Rings