Sunday, July 6, 2014

Rain, A Concert, Fireworks and Maybe Some Potato Salad

In an effort to keep from getting to August 31 and saying, "Where did my summer go?" I've been trying to engage in authentic summer activities each day. I left off on Day 2 when I read a beach novel.

Day 3

Mid-afternoon, rain started to pour. I persuaded Computer Geek to follow me outside. We sat in our camp chairs under the shelter by the back door. Computer Geek said to me, "So this qualifies as a summer activity?"  I said, "If not, then this would be snow. Sheesh. "  I think he saw my point.

He said, "I think the temperature has dropped 20 degrees in the last few minutes."  At that point my Iowa genetics kicked in and I said, "Hmm...dropping temps...rain...high winds..." to which Computer Geek replied, "Relax. This is Utah. There will not be a tornado." 

Later that night we headed to a small town near ours. Every year their festivities take place the day before the 4th of July. I guess that would be called "July 3rd." We were entertained at an outdoor concert by a local rock nostalgia group called The Phat Old Professors. Most of these gentlemen are profs at the local college, hence the name. We've heard these guys before and they always do a swell job of interpreting the classics from the 60's and 70's. The highlight was listening to the sax player wail in a perfect rendition of Baker Street.
Outdoor music. Gentle breeze. Glow-in-the-dark children running about. Summer.

Oh yeah. Fireworks.

Day 4

Computer Geek had to work for a friend in another town making delicious tropical beverages for the parade crowd. Weston headed to the lake for a birthday party. That left me to figure out something summery to do on my own. Luckily, daughter Em invited me to hang out with her family at the park where all kinds of patriotic shenanigans were taking place--vocal entertainment, races, a candy toss, a money hunt, food booths, face painting, country-honoring, and the like. 
The manly Bauer, star athlete and father of my gorgeous grandchildren. He missed--hee hee hee!

 Avatar with some summery mango concoction

Money-miser Chunk, master of the coin hunt mosh pit

Miss Baby Elephant, all dolled-up in red, white, blue, and uh, purple.

Later that night, after Computer Geek and Weston got home, we headed to a friend's house for a barbeque and some volleyball.

Weston and cohorts making plans against the other team.  Or not.

The gorgeous Pinque, modeling her festive BBQ attire

Being tired old people, Computer Geek and I went home when the others dispersed to go watch fireworks from a local hill.  Overall, a great day to remember our freedoms and think of those who sacrificed so that we could spend nice times with our families.

Day 5

Okay, this will seem like kind of a let-down after all the fun we had for the holiday, but my day 5 summer activity was....wait for it....making potato salad.

Potato salad is a summer-time food, right?  Computer Geek lamented that he hadn't had potato salad for a while. Being the selfish cook that I am, if I don't like it, I don't make it.  Nope. Especially when it calls for onions. Ain't happenin'. 

Oh just kidding. I finally convinced CG that I would be ever so happy to make him some potato salad even though:
1. Except for when I worked in a restaurant I had never made potato salad before.
2. He would be the only one eating it.
3. Did I mention it has onions?

So here you have it folks--evidence that I am a good wife who will boldly try to make something new even if it means touching an onion.
Potato Salad garnished with dill

If you would like to try this recipe you can find it HERE   
[Now the government says that I must tell you that even though I am a blogger of note, who blogs mainly for my family and even then only every few months when I feel like it, I must disclose that I in no way will be paid for giving you that recipe.No cash, no free potatoes, nada.]
And thanks to Em who allowed me to steal some of her 4th of July pictures.

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